Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mere Yaar ki Shaadi hai !!!!
Homer has found his Marge ...

I got engaged on 26th of Jan which means that every year people in India will get the day off and I will get bugged by my fiancée who would then have become my wife (for now I’ll call her high-command) to celebrate esp. since it would be a holiday for the both of us. I have a plan though in case the bugging gets too much to handle – I switch to another country so I don’t get bugged on the 26th of Jan (Republic Day in India and a public holiday) :-) … but hey who knows, I guess I would have to celebrate it after office hours even if in a different country.

When I wasn’t engaged I used to think of marriage with mixed emotions coz I have always been (or thought so) of the behavorial differences in men and women – the ‘men are from mars and women are from venus’ kinds. I haven’t found it difficult to connect with women (some are impossible though) … but I also felt quite a few no. of times that they are given to emotions a bit too much. But then you see the other side of the coin, and that is that they are so much more involved and ‘giving’ when it comes to relationships.

We men find it difficult to live upto expectations … and most of the times we bring this pressure on ourselves. As for me, I’m in that phase when everything appears positive and achievable … maybe it’s love … lemme just rephrase it, I’m sure it is :-)

Dear blog, till next time … keep rocking.


At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Man!!

Well Me got engaged on 26th of Jan as well.


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