Monday, April 24, 2006

Pleasure: The small things in Life !!!

It is amazing how one can have a refreshing conversation even with the Boss J. In fact I had one today …. And indeed it was quite a pleasure when in fact it was on not-so-comfortable territories (ASIDE: All those twisted minds … don’t get any arcane ideas) … So it was about career, growth, fit, organisation and stuff !!! Interesting and quite refreshing …

I guess once in a while you need to speak to yourself; to “stand naked in front of the mirror and ask the difficult questions” (ASIDE: I can those twisted minds going off on a tangent again) … but such is life and such are its ways …

One must always be doing what one enjoys .. else learn to enjoy what one is doing else it is just not worth it … Besides life is not a job, a boss, a career … it is not about proving yourself to anyone … it is about being comfortable in one’s skin .. about being what one is .. and finding happiness in what one is doing …

The idea of “perfection” is a constant chase and the damn thing about chasing a mirage, because that’s what “perfection” seems to be, is that it constantly keeps shifting. So how does one manage to find peace, contentment, happiness?

By looking forward to going back home, by looking to read that book that you have been reading … by spreading happiness because thatz how it comes back to you. A simple “good morning” to the security guard on your way to office; a “hey! nice tie” to a colleague or a “wow! excellent idea” to an enthusiastic mate should do the job just fine … the pleasure of putting a smile on someone’s face is immeasurable … the knowledge of being an “agent of positivity” is worth its weight in gold …

So here I am, despite what other people would term as a “alarm bells on” conversation feeling really good. You guys think I am weird, aren’t you? Well! I am … and I revel in that knowledge … :)


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