Saturday, July 09, 2005

A year after B-School ….

A year after having walked out of B-school the myth has all but exploded. Looking back I realize that most of all that we learnt was in the wrong direction. The most important lessons were the ones the ‘Organisational Behavior’ proff.s tried shoving down the throats of hordes of disinterested sleepy pupils -- The necessity to draw “associations of influencers” and the “association of decision makers” within an organisation :-?

Figure out the “sources of information” and validate their authenticity. (Feed them some fiction and see how long it takes to come back to you) :-) (Hey! dont smirk, thatz how even laser speed-guns work!!)

Now that your sources of information are taken care of … get started on forming your own line line diagrams of the “movers and shakers” ....

NOTE: For additional information on working of this phenomenon follow the antics of the congress leaders (coteries, queen bee, palace intrigue et al.)

If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck; It is a duck – BULLSHIT !!!

You’ll see people around who look important, act important but are in a load of shit … needless to say -- do not waste time cosying upto them …

In the corporate world sometimes one that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck is actually a dumb turkey !! :-)

Future Captains of the Industry -- Revisited

Having been fed the “FCoI” (aside: the power of acronyms :) formula for long .. quite a few of us started believing in it (hmm!) .. Captains of the industry .. just like the captain of the indian cricket team… relegated to the sidelines … worth only carrying bottles of refreshment and words of encouragement for the guys out in the field … :)

The placements hoopla !!!

B-school grad pockets a cool salary of 80 lakh !!! I read that and almost choked on my sandwich … :) … well I recollect some bright chap who dropped in a line in my mailing group hailing the achievement .. it’s like the millions of sperms who fall by the wayside (letz call them the losers :) celebrating the feat of the one that hits the jackpot (the grand daddy :)

Learnings … -- there is still hope !!

There is hope …. will still live the dream … Of course some people find other things to do .. (e.g. get married .. announce change of location, announce a one-week visit to London etc.)… But me like one of those guys having fallen by the wayside (refer to para above J) has no marriage, or visit to London or change of location announcements to make … All I can do is sit down here in a cubbyhole and type out arcane thoughts …. Sure enough to find a dumb audience like you who have gone through this entire crappy note nodding vigorously all along :)

Disclaimer: This information is a humourous take on happenings/people/situations. It is not a true reflection of the actual happenings or incidents/state of affairs, so dont get too carried away.


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