Marriage: The one thing that’s bugging me no end
Letz face it … it is one of those “Rene Zellweger in Bridget Jones’ diary” times for me now. Wherever I go, I am confronted with the same query. I find myself answering it over & over again. I feel I am getting defensive.
I, who used to wear my “bachelorhood” and “perceived independence” (as the naysayers on the other side of the fence would argue :) on my sleeve find myself at a loss for a convincing response. (I blame the audience primarily for that; illogical people who refuse to consider logic).
I, who was never at a loss for words have resorted to all kinds of sounds, grunts etc. (er!, umm!, well! Uh huh !! You see !!! kinds) passing them off for responses. I feel like a
“Are you looking out? Aren’t your parents looking out for a bride for you?” Its high time you got ‘settled’ is the common refrain :) Gosh! I am settled (Aside: Well! not exactly, there is a lot of chaos …. But hey! I thrive in chaos :)
I look around and see my buddies …. my batchmates ….. my peer-group …. hell! looks like marriage is going out of fashion … or anti-marriage aliens are attacking us and this is our last chance to redeem ourselves. “Earthlings, judgement day is here”
Broken Verses: Thanks for the comments. I checked out your blogs and found the 7-yr-old-itch ... pretty nice ... :)) ..
Way to go .. and hey! nice pictures ...
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