Monday, August 01, 2005

Five Pharaohs went camping

It was last weekend when me and my buddies decided to go camping ... After considerable discussions and innumerable rounds of ayes and naehs ... me and another chappie browbeat the others to tag along ...

The weather was fickle ... it was raining off and on ... there was news of an outbreak of celebral malaria in the vicinity of our camping location ... The river was raging (the Cauvery flows right next to our camping spot ... rather ... we camp right next to where the Cauvery flows :)

The argument against 'celebral malaria' was that since most of us didnt have a cerebrum or a cerebellum ... (essentially a brain ... CM wont affect us :)

So we packed up the essentials:
1) Booze ..
2) Booze ...
3) Some more booze
4) Coupla guitars and the guitarists ... :))
5) Tent ... folding camp equip ...
6) Odomos ..
7) Food
8) Undies
9) Booze ...

Once out we were braving the weather and the rains .. To make things more exciting .. we packaged it as a 'pharaoh tour of the wilderness' ...

So there was the musical purist who would expound the theoretical aspects of music in a "Comfortably Numb" number .... --> Pathetic II

The biggest, strongest guy ... who was most scared of mosquitoes ... and sounded like but a puppy when his girlfriend gave him a dressing down on the phone ... (We rechristened him sweety which irked him no end :) --> Nemesys III

The cool guy who gets high and hits the roof after a coupla swigs of beer ... red capri pants, blue and yellow striped sports vest ... yeah! hez from the land of "Rajnikant" --> Clumsys II

And yours truly (also known as "Cheetah" in this group) who would constantly take jabs at all the poor souls ... and whose sole purpose in life is to find a scapegoat to crack a joke or two at ... --> Bastard I :))

{rechristened by an especially enraged Pathetic II}

And how can I forget the only pharaoh who ate less and drank more ... (no exhaggeration ...) who is frequently mistaken for a hot chick from behind ... considering his long locks ... lead guitarist par excellence ... --> Dimwits IV

All in all it was an amazing trip .... with the rains off and on .. the raging river, the now-off-now-revived bonfire ... some full throated renditions of Floyd, Metallica, Beatles ... and a few hindi numbers ...

When thousands of years from now ... this camping site gets excavated ... they would find rock art ... of 5 pharaohs ... and 2 queens (ultra-finicky and almost-perfecti)

More on other adventures later :)) ...


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